Monday, September 28, 2009

Makes me sick!

I just read the blog about a local Delmar woman, who is running for City Counsel, wishing the worst on Brooke Mulford. When reading this display of sheer ignorance all that comes to mind is that old stereotypical example of "white trash". How a person like this could wish such harm on a LITTLE GIRL makes me want to vomit. We need to re-asses who we are sharing our community with. These people, if they can even be called that, especially the woman, Ms. Schaffer, needs to remember that karma is a real bitch. The fact that she obviously is not educated is clear which just adds to the problem. She misspelled Brooke's last name is proof of that. It's absurd that people like this are running for positions that involve them representing a community; the community that I live in. Would we really want someone like this making any sort of decision on your or my behalf? HELL NO. I have participated in fundraising for the Mulford family, alongside my father, and they are an AMAZING family, who is unbelievably strong. To wish the worst on them and their precious daughter is truly an act of disrespect and hate. Ms. Schaffer has a lot of nerve associating her co-workers with her beliefs. I am a very close friend of one of her co-workers and she was absolutely disgusted at the blog. I am pretty sure by now my feelings are clear. It just really makes me question what people like this are doing walking the streets alongside you and me. We are all going to die. The "when" is something that NOBODY can tell us. Honestly, Ms. Schaffer is the last person that has the authority to decide that.